• What is Tarot Led Coaching (TLC)?

    It’s intuitive Business Coaching & Mentoring through a spiritual lens. I use Tarot as a tool to guide & enhance the coaching conversation.

    Utilising my unique Tarot inspired coaching model ‘ACES’ to structure coaching sessions.

    Alignment | Choices | Energy | Surrender

    I pull Tarot cards for any guidance that needs to come through your higher self.

    Using my knowledge of the Tarot I intentionally find cards to show you & invite you to reflect & work with the archetypes fo. self-awareness. These cards can represent you, other people, the situation, you business, the past, your future self and more!

    If you are a visual learner, prefer to see things in front of you to make sense of them rather than imagining it.

    If fun, play & excitement fuel your creativity.

    If you value spirituaT guidance, work with the moon & believe in magic.

    Incorporating Tarot into business coaching is for you!

  • What's the difference between a Tarot Reading & Tarot Led Coaching?

    Tarot Readings - are recorded and sent to you via a link. I channel tarot guidance . The wisdom of the cards comes through me, you recieve it, deciding what to take on board and action.

    For example - let’s say The Hierophant comes through. I will share that this has wisdom keeper energy. A spiritual guide or teacher. That this archetype can indicate a period of teaching or learning is available to you. You take that message and do what you think is aligned.

    Tarot Led Coaching - Delivered via a zoom call. Using the Tarot in a variety of ways along with coaching & mentoring to identify your goal, planning, delivering & reflecting to achieve a specified outcome.

    Using the Hierophant example again - if this comes through in a TLC session you could decide to work with me to create a course/ workshop or training for your business.

  • Why would a session help me?

    • We get all parts of your business working efficiently

    • You become more intentional and strategic. Leading to

      • attracting more clients

      • selling your offer

      • more time freedom

    • You start to commit to everything you’ve been putting off & I hold you accountable

    • Goals feel more aligned and achievable

    • You become a solid strategist and plan ahead.

    • Your mindset, subconscious blocks & self-sabotaging behaviours are cleared

    • Your spiritual, mental & physical wellbeing is nurtured throughout this process to regulate your nervous system

    • You allow the magic, the unseen and your higher self to take the wheel rather than allowing fear to keep you stuck

  • What can I bring to a Tarot Led Coaching Session?

    This work is intuitive so you could bring nothing & we could surrender to spirit!

    But usually my clients want to work on:

    • New business launches

    • New products, services, projects or goals.

    • Ideal Client - Customer journey, building community, turning leads into customers.

    • Brand - Building an aligned brand strategy & brand visuals

    • Business Model - offer suite & pricing for profit.

    • Market & Content - Strategies, planning, skills, messaging & omni-presence

  • How can I work with you?

    1:1 - Tarot Readings for Business or TLC aka Tarot Led Coaching

    Group - Join W.O.M.B - my sacred community space for spiritual entrepreneurs

  • Can you tell me my future?

    I go one better than that! We plan to make the dreams of your future self a reality.

    I call this planifesting - you have to reverse engineer the future you want, we plan and you take aligned action.

    You have your own free will, your own sovereignity and agency to do what you want of course. But do nothing and it won’t take a psychic to predict your future!